Far Away (by ben:))

There he is.Martin is standing on the cloud as if he was waiting for a bus.People all over the world watching this supernatural event on live are asking only one question; “How can it be possible?”.
He isn’t concerned about the helicopters of the channels.Moreover, he gazes at these flying machines in a mocking mood.The light of the sun causes Martin to glitter like a purple pearl.Suddenly thousands of swallows appeared around the cloud.They are like seeing him off.The pleasure on his face can be noticed easily.Then the birds vanish as suden as they have appeared.
While people are trying to find an explanation for the incident as usual, a scream like a greeting echos in the sky that have never seemed to be such limited before.A dragon comes into sight with its huge body and wings.The bus he has been waiting for has come.He jumps on it as it is the easiest act on the earth.Though the most incredible scene of centuries is being witnessed, questions and doubt prevent people from enjoying it.
Martin and his winged friend turn around the helicopters for one time to say farewell to the known world.It is a last look at the past.Afterwards he flies away towards a far kingdom that even he doesn’t know where it is.Maybe in the heaven or behind the sun.Maybe there is not such a kingdom.

1 yorum:

Adsız dedi ki...

i really liked ur style..i think it is awesome..keep workin dear:)